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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

How to Use the Secret Power of I AM

Here's the message God woke me up with.

In Exdous when Moses asked God, "Who shall I say sent me"? God replied, "I Am that I Am." God said that his name is actually I AM. So when ever you say the words I AM remember you're taking the Lord's name. In fact, the 3rd commandment is, Thou shall not take the Lord's name ( I AM) in vain. So be careful of what you add behind I AM. The power of life and death is in your tongue. Let the weak say, I AM strong. Let the sick say, I AM well. Let the poor say, I AM rich! It's all in your control.

Let's walk in our power ya'll. 

From The Day You Were Born You Have Had The Power To Be, Do, or Have Whatever You Want. All You Need To Know is How To Use Your God Given Tools.
Birthdays, Names, Even Phone Numbers. Click Here to Learn More: I AM, THAT AM

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Who Told Men It's Not Okay to Cry?

Random Thought: Who told men it's not ok to cry?

There's this widely accepted theory that men shouldn't cry, be emotional, or show feelings. That somehow this makes him a whimp or a wuss. Where did that thought originate? Some say it started with societal norms. The crazy thing about "societal norms" is that they're almost never normal. "Societal norms" is really the shit you do naturally when no one is looking, lol. So why do we so readily subject ourselves to the ridicule and stress of societal norms, when in all actuality, everybody crying behind close doors?

I say gone head and cry, brah. Let that shit out. You get stressed out at work, cry! Your girl leave you, cry! Yo money ain't looking right, cry! Gone let it out, lol! And when you done, wipe yo face and get back to yo grind. You'll feel better and have a much more clear head. 

Like I said: Random Thought........